Teaching Staff of the Center of Linguistic Education

Atabayeva Farida Kamievna

Professor at the Center of Linguistic Education

Candidate of Pedagogical Language

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  • Diploma of Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages with honors, qualification – English and French Language Teacher,1986
  • Researcher’s diploma on completion of postgraduate studies of the NAS RK, A. Baytursynov Institute of Linguistics, 1994
  • Diploma of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, 2011
  • Diploma of the full member of the International Academy of Informatization, 2020

Academic work experience

  • 1998 – present – Professor of the Centre for Linguistic Training of Turan University
  • 1986-1991 – Dzhezkazgan Pedagogical Institute, Senior Lecturer of German Philology Chair
  • 1994-1998 – NAS RK, A. Baytursynov Institute of Linguistics, researcher – translator of the Department of Lexicology

Teaching disciplines

  • Foreign Language
  • English
  • Profession-oriented Foreign Language
  • Business English
  • Certified English


  • «Problems of Research of Islamic Literature of Kazakhstan» //Journal “Islamic Quarterly” Volume 62Number 3 ү, 2018, Scopus (SJR 0.2)
  • Mongolian parallel in history: problematic spectrum// Journal “Man in India” Volume97 Issue 11, 2017 Scopus (SJR 0.2)
  • Safeguarding ICH and Enhancing Identity of Kazakhstan in Focus of Central Asian Sacral Cultural Space //Journal “Man in India” Volume 97 Issue 24, 2017 Scopus (SJR 0.2)
  • Kazakhstan in Geopolitics of the Central Asia: Retrospective, Realities and Opportunities// Journal “Man in India” Volume 97 Issue 24, 2017 Scopus (SJR 0.2)


  • «Professionally-oriented foreign language education and educational environment» // «Наука и жизнь Казахстана», 2020 год № 12 (2)
  • «Использование национального компонента на занятиях английского языка»// «Наука и жизнь Казахстана», 2020 год № 3 (3)
  • «Цифрлік білім беру» // «Наука и жизнь Казахстана» 2019 год № 5 (2)
  • «Современное образование: онлайн образование – требование времени» // «Наука и жизнь Казахстана» 2018 год № 4 (2)
  • Intercultural Communication in foreign language teaching// Вестник КазНУ Серия. Филологическая №3, 2017
  • Pedagogical Research of using ICT in foreign language education// Наука и жизнь Казахстана, №6 (42) 2016
  • Как эффективно использовать метод проектов на уроках английского языка// Наука и жизнь Казахстана, №6 (42) 2016
  • Формирование ИКТ компетентности педагогов// Вестник КазНУ Серия Филологическая №3, 2016
  • Foreign Language Information-Educational Environment: Content, Qualification Demands and Mechanisms of Organization// Вестник КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби, Серия. Филологическая, №1, 2016
  • Использование ИКТ на занятиях домашнего чтения по английскому языку//«Қазақстанның Ғылымы мен Өмірі – Наука и Жизнь Казахстана» №3,2016


  • Учебное пособие: «Практикум по английскому языку» Из-во: «ТОО Жания полиграфия», Алматы, 2020 ISBN-978-601-06-4464-9
  • Учебное пособие. Английский язык для магистрантов. Из-во: Университет “Туран”, 2017

Monographis works

  • Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Палитра Пресс, Алматы, 2016.


Author of more than 100 scientific articles

Awards and achievements

  • Certificate of Honor from the Minister of Education and Science
  • Certificates of honor of the rector of the University “Turan”
  • Gratitude of the Education Department of the Akimat of Almaty
  • Gratitude of the Language Policy Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana

Foreign language proficiency qualification (certificate / diploma)

  • TOEFL 1999, 2007
Zhumabayeva Akmaral Rakhmankyzy

Senior Lecturer at the Center of Linguistic Education

Deputy Director

Master of Pedagogical Sciences

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Work Experience 

  • November 2020 – to the present day- Deputy Director / Senior Lecturer at the Center of Linguistic Education, “Turan” University, Almaty
  • May 2017 – may 2019 – Humanities teacher / tutor, CT “Tau Samal” private English course , Almaty

Professional Development (last 3 years)

  • Certificate of advanced training on the topic “Assessment in Higher Education: Professional Denelopment for Teachers of English” in the amount of 72 hours, April 4 -25, 2022. Training center “ALKA”, Almaty.
  • Certificate of advanced training on the topic “The role of intercultural communication in professional oriented foreign language teaching” in the amount of 72 hours, March 27 – April 17, 2023, ALKA Training Center, Almaty.
  • Certificate of training at the School of Pedagogical Excellence in the course “Document Management” for 24 hours, January 9-11, 2023, Turan University, Almaty.
  • Certificate of training at the School of Pedagogical Excellence in the course “Management in Education” for 72 hours, January 9-13, 2023, Turan University, Almaty.

Awards and promotions

  • Certificate of honor from the rector of the University “Turan”
  • Gratitude for fruitful work in the admission campaign of the University “Turan”
  • Gratitude for the active position, commitment to quality and professionalism shown during the period the University passed the international ACQUIN accreditation
  • Rector’s Medal for the 30th anniversary of the University “Turan”


  • Foreign language (English)
  • Profession- oriented English


Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 28

E-mail: ak.zhumabayeva@turan-edu.kz

Khorlan Aibarovna Rakhat

Senior Lecturer at the Center of Linguistic Education

Master of Arts in human sciences

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Work experience

  • September 2020-present – Senior teacher, Turan university,
  • September 2017–August 2020- Higher education teaching professional, Kazakh Ablai khan University of International relations and World Languages,
  • March 2016– August 2017 – Translation agency


  • Article: Rakhat Kh.A.“Students’ perceptions of the turkish idioms: the analysis from cross-cultural perspective”, Taras shevchenko 6th international conference on social sciences, Kiev, Ukraine, 04-06.04.2021
  • Article : Rakhat Kh.A “English as a medium of instruction: challenges for esp teachers during the pandemic”,  “Тіл және мәдениетаралық коммуникация” international scientific online conference, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 26.03.2021
  • Article: Rakhat Kh.A “Terminology of energy sphere as translational problem” International scientific-practical journal “Philological aspect” № 11 (55), 2019
  • Article: Rakhat Kh.A “Шетел тілін оқытуда формативті бағалау жүйесінің алатын орны”, Journal “the world of pedagogy and psychology”, №3, 2019
  • Article: Rakhat Kh.A «Technical terminology of energy sphere as translational problem» Abai KazNPU/ Vestnik, №1, 2017
  • Article: Rakhat Kh.A ., Asanova G.S.“Lexical peculiarities of technical texts and their translation on the basis of energy terms in Russian /English languages” Kazakh Ablai khan UIRW/Izvestiya, №4, 2016


Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 28

E-mail: h.rahat@turan-edu.kz

Rakhova Kulpash Mukhitovna

Senior Lecturer at the Center of Linguistic Education

Master’s degree

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Working experience

  • 1984-1993- English and German teacher of Secondary School
  • 1994-1998 – Aktyubinsk pedagogical institute named after K.Zhubanov, lecturer of Foreign language department
  • From 1998 –  senior lecturer of Language training center, “Turan” University


  • Foreign language (English)
  • Profession- oriented English


  • Psychological features of learning foreign languages //Bulletin Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Philology series \ 3(161) 2016 pp.248-252
  • Using interactive methods for the effective teaching of foreign languages//” Science and Life of Kazakhstan” №6/3 2020 pp.176-180


Monographs, textbooks

  • English-Russian-Kazakh dictionary of tourist terms. Publishing house «LEM» LTD, 2011-195p.
  • English-Russian-Kazakh dictionary of hotel business terms. Publishing house «LEM» LTD, 2013.-118 p.
  • English-Russian-Kazakh dictionary of international tourism. Publishing house «LEM» LTD, 2014.-124 p.
  • English for students of “Psychology”. Publishing house «LEM» LTD, 2015.-86 p.
  • English for students of “International Relations”. Publishing house «LEM» LTD, 2016.-44 p.
  • English for students of economics. Publishing house «LEM» LTD, 2016.-44 p.
  • Author of 30 scientific articles.


  • Certificate of Honor of the Mayor of Bostandyk District of Almaty
  • Certifications of the Rector of  “Turan”University
  • Gratitude of the Administration of Education of Akimat of Almaty
  • Gratitude of the Language Policy Committee
  • Culture and Sport Ministry of Culture and Sports of RK


Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 28

E-mail: k.rakhova@turan-edu.kz

Myrzakhanov Talgat Adilbekovich

Senior Lecturer at the Center of Linguistic Education

Master of Humanities (Translation Studies)

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Work Experience

  • 2007-2016 – Almaty Management University
  • 2019 till now – Turan University


  • A language Shock for Language Learners: British vs American English – Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Scientific Journal “Khabarshy”, №3 (11) 2015
  • Сравнительный анализ концептуально-метафорической модели «Финансовый рынок как водная стихия» в англоязычных и русскоязычных финансово-аналитических финансово-аналитических медиатекстах –Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Scientific Journal “Khabarshy”, № 2 (166), 2017
  • Концептуально-метафорический анализ англоязычных финансово-аналитических медиатекстов и их воссоздание в переводе на русский язык – Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Scientific Journal “Khabarshy, № 1 (59), 2017
  • Понятийная и языковая картина мира стран англоязычного мира, отражаемая в финансово-экономическом дискурсе – Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Scientific Journal “Khabarshy, № 4 (62), 2017
  • Анализ концептуально-метафорической модели «Финансовые стратегии как военные действия» в англоязычных медиатекстах и их адекватная передача на русский язык – L. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Scientific Journal “Khabarshy, № 5 (120), 2017
  • Лингвокультурные аспекты перевода метафор англоязычного финансово-экономического дискурса – L. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Scientific Journal “Khabarshy, № 3 (124), 2018


  • Краткий Справочник Английских и Американских Идиоматических Выражений – Myrzakhanov Т.А. 2012. ISBN 978-601-80221-1-1
  • Словарь-справочник английских и американских образных экономических терминов – Myrzakhanov Т.А. 2013. ISBN 978-601-7470-01-2
  • Толковый справочник английских метафоричных бизнес-терминов – Myrzakhanov Т.А. 2015. ISBN 978-601-7470-39-5


Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 28

E-mail: t.myrzakhanov@turan-edu.kz

Ussalinova Mariyam Masgutovna

Senior Lecturer at the Center of Linguistic Education

Holder of the “Bolashak” Fellowship

Master of Education

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Work Experience

  • 2008-2016 – Teacher of the Department of Foreign Language Methodology, Abylai Khan KazUIR&WL
  • 2015- currently – senior teacher at the University “Turan”

Research and innovation experience 

  • 2013 г. – research internship under the “Bolashak” program, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
  • 2017-2020 – head of the NCSTI project “Innovative technologies in teaching foreign languages”


  • Altayeva A.K., Ussalinova M.M. Mədenietaralyk kommunikacziyanyn teoriyasy men praktikasy // Tutorial. – 2018, Almaty: «Turan» University. – 144 pp.


Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 28

E-mail: m.usalinova@turan-edu.kz

Mukhamedzhanova Meruert Erzhanovna

Senior Lecturer at the Center of Linguistic Education


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  • 2010-2014 Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL
    Specialty: Simultaneous Interpreter from Kazakh into English and vice versa; (Bachelor Degree)
  • 2014-2016 Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL
    Specialty: Translation Studies, Simultaneous Interpretation (MA)

Professional experience

  • Since 2020 until now – Turan University, Center of Language training
  • 2016-2020 Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL , English Teacher


  • ‘Translation Techniques of Rhetorical Questions in Political Discourse (on the basis of important issues of the EU)’ Вестник КазУМОиМЯ,«Филологические науки»  №2, 2016.
  • ‘Риторикалық сұрақтарды аударудағы алдын-ала ықтималды болжау стратегиясы’,  Республиканская научно- практическая конференция «научно-методические основы профессиональной подготовки учителя иностранного языка» посвященная 90-летию профессора П.Г. Козлова


Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 28

E-mail: m.muhamedzhanova@turan-edu.kz

Ongeldieva Sandugash Muratbekovna

Senior Lecturer at the Center of Linguistic Education

Master of Science in Education

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Work experience

  • September 2020 – to the present day, Senior Lecturer, “Turan University”
  • September 2016 – August 2020 Lecturer, JSC KazUMO & WL named after Abylai Khan
  • January 2016 – June 2016 Methodist, kindergarten “SmART Kids”.

Experience in research and innovational activity

  • 2nd year doctoral student of the speciality “8D01721 – Training of foreign language teachers”


  • Formation of research competence of students of pedagogical specialties // International Scientific Review, No. 3 (4),. II International Scientific and Practical Conference “International Scientific Review of the Problems and Prospects of Modern Science and Education” London. United Kingdom. June 7-8, 2015 // 5 p., 69-73
  • Modeling the research competence formation process of students of pedagogical specialities Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Innovation in Education: Orientations and Trends”, Almaty, 2016 // 4 p., 27-30
  • Formation of cooperative-communicative competence of future foreign language teachers based on mobile applications at Ablai khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages // Journal of Language Research and Teaching Practice, Vol 6 No 4 (2020). Kazakh Ablai khan University Of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, 2020          // 11 p., 73-84

CQAES (Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science)

  • Information and communication technologies at foreign language lessons as a quality factor // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Social Sciences and Humanities Series 1 (305), January-February 2016.          // 4 p., 208-211. Co-authors- Karakulova A.Zh., Kuznetsova T.D.


Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 28

E-mail: s.ongeldieva@turan-edu.kz

Dairbekova Aigerim Muktargaliyevna

Senior Lecturer at the Center of Linguistic Education

Master of Humanitarian Sciences

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Work Experience

  • September 2013 –  August 2016
    Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov (Taldykorgan), at the position of a Lecturer of the “Foreign languages and Translation Studies” Department.
  • September 2016 – May 2018
    ELC Almaty (English Language Center, Almaty), at the position of a Lecturer of English.
  • September 2018 – December 2019
    Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty), at the position of a Senior Lecturer of the “Diplomatic Translation” Department
  • January 2020 – December 2020
    Educational Centre “СпасиBeaucoup” (Almaty), at the position of a Lecturer of English, teaching offline and online.
  • September 2022 – currently – a Senior Lecturer of Turan University.

Research and innovation experience

  • Completion of a foreign scientific internship at Hacettepe University (Ankara, Turkey) from December 15, 2021 to February 27, 2022, at the Department of Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures.

Scientific Publications (last 3 years)

  • Ilyas Yessenberlin as a founder of historical novels in Kazakh literature // Materials of International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Farabi Alemi”, Almaty, April 6-9, 2020, p. 193.
  • M. Zhumabayev’s narrative “The sin of Sholpan” as a new level of Kazakh prose // Materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education in the Modern World: Challenges of the XXI Century”. Nur-Sultan, October 20-22, 2020, – p. 35-37.
  • Междисциплинарное определение концепта // Materials of International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Farabi Alemi”. Almaty, 6-8 April, 2021 – p. 187-188.
  • Artistic interpretation of the concept “child” in the M. Zhumabayev’s story “The sin of Sholpan” // Materials of the XV international scientific and practical conference «Global Science and Innovation 2021: Central Asia». Nur-Sultan, December 2021, – p. 3-6.

Professional Development (last 5 years)

  • Certificate for participation in the 1st International Conference «Teaching Foreign Languages in the Era of Digitalization», from Satbayev University and Deutsch-Kasachische Universität, 24-25 October, 2019.
  • Certificate of participation in the VII international scientific and practical conference “Science and Education in the Modern World: Challenges of the XXI Century”. Nur-Sultan, October 20-22, 2020, online.
  • Certificates for listening to webinars from Elsevier, 9-13 November, 2020, Almaty, online.
  • Certificates for listening to webinars on the topic “Main metrics of modern science. Scopus and Web of Science”, from the company “Scientific Publications”, 5-8 April, 2021, Almaty, online.
  • Certificate of participation in the XV international scientific and practical conference «Global Science and Innovation 2021: Central Asia». Nur-Sultan, December 2021, online.
  • Certificate of training at the School of Pedagogical Excellence in the course “Professional Development of Higher School Teachers” for 72 hours of lectures, 9-13 January, 2023, Turan University, Almaty.

Teaching disciplines

  • Foreign Language (English)
  • Profession-oriented Foreign Language (English)


Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 28

E-mail:  a.dairbekova@turan-edu.kz

Akhmetova Nazim Erbolatovna

Senior Lecturer at the Center of Linguistic Education

Master of Philological Sciences

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Work Experience

  • 2022-2023 – Teacher of the Department of Foreign Language Methodology, Abylai Khan KazUIR&WL
  • 2023-currently – senior teacher at the University “Turan”


  • Science as a phenomenon of culture // Social sciences in the modern world: political science, sociology, philosophy, history. collection of articles based on the materials of the XLVI International scientific and Practical conference – No. 5 (38). – M., Publishing house “Internauka”, 2021. – 108 p.
  • Animalistic literature // Collection of the international scientific conference of students and young scientists “FARABI ALEMI” – Almaty, 2021. p. 199.
  • Animalistic images in Kazakh literature // Collection of the international scientific and practical conference “Traditions and active processes in oral and written language communication” – Almaty, 2021. p. 285-289
  • Animalistics in Kazakh literature (the image of a wolf in the work of M. D. Zverev “The wolf cub from betpak-dala”) // Collection LV of the international scientific and practical conference – Moscow, 2021, pp. 44-48


Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 28

E-mail: n.akhmetova@turan-edu.kz

Alina Baglanovna Almuratova

Senior Lecturer at the Center of Linguistic Education

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  • Sep 2020 – June 2023 -Turan University, specialty: Psychology (PhD studies)
  • Sep 2015 – June 2017Kazakh Ablai khan University of International relations and World Languages (Almaty), specialty: Foreign language: two foreign languages ( Master of Pedagogical Sciences)
  • Sep 2005 – June 2009 – Kazakh Ablai khan University of International relations and World Languages (Almaty), specialty: Foreign language: two foreign languages (Bachelor Degree)


Academic work experience

  • 2019 – present – Senior Lecturer of the Center of Linguistic Education, Turan University
  • 2017 – 2019 Lecturer at the Department of Speech Practice and Communication, Kazakh Ablai khan University of International relations and World Languages (Almaty)
  • 2013 – 2018 – Lecturer at Mainstream LC
  • 2011 – 2013 – Teacher at Kargaly specialized gymnasium No. 2, Kargaly, Almaty region

Teaching disciplines

  • Foreign Language
  • English
  • Profession-oriented Foreign Language
  • Business English
  • Certified English



  • Ways of Differentiating in Teaching English // МАТЕРИАЛЫ Международной научной конференции «Развитие казахстанской лингвистики и литературоведения в условиях глобализации и цифровизации», посвященной 175-летию со дня рождения великого казахского акына и мыслителя Абая Кунанбаева и 1150-летию со дня рождения тюркского ученого, философа Абу Насра ибн Мухаммеда аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан, 17 апреля 2020
  • Differentiated Instructions in Teaching English to Young Learners // Материалы III Международной научно-практической конференции «Восток – Запад: теоретические и прикладные аспекты преподавания европейских и восточных языков», Новосибирск, РФ, 11 марта 2020.


Foreign language proficiency qualification

  • Diploma: BA, MA
  • Certificate: IELTS 7.5


Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 28

E-mail: a.almuratova@turan-edu.kz

Online admissions