Contest of tourist projects «Boundless Kazakhstan»

December 15, 2021 held the annual competition of tourist projects «Boundless Kazakhstan» among students of schools and colleges. The competition is held to identify and support talented students with an interest in tourism.


Solemn congratulations to the winners were held on December 24 at the «Turan» University


I place was taken by a team «Azimut», students of International Kazakh-Chinese Language College consisting of Mukanova Zhibek, Murzagalieva Enlik, Abil Nurzhan and Akbota Utenalieva.

II place was deservedly awarded to the team of the College of Tourism and Hospitality industry consisting of Malik Tomiris and Alpysbay Kamila.


Team «Bomfire», students of Almaty College of Finance, Law and Technology (Atanazarov Nurbol, Dauletkyzy Dana, Seytkarim Bekmyrza, Bakytkyzy Zhanerke and Otegenov Amir) was awarded with the nomination «The best idea for leisure».


The staff of the department «Tourism and Service» congratulates the participants and wishes further success, well-deserved victories and worthy awards!

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