Turan University cordially congratulates the staff of the Scientific Research Institute of Tourism of Turan University!

On the northern spur of the Ile-Alatau Ridge in the big Almaty gorge, between the Almaty-Alagir and Zhusaly-Kesen passes, south of the Turist peak is the Turan peak. (coordinates – 43,01989 º N76,95888º E). In 2006, the team of the University» Turan «climbed this peak and gave it the name» Turan». On August 28, 2022, the research team of the University « Turan» made a technical description of the control route.


The name of the peak» Turan « (3970 M) was approved by the onomastic Commission of the Almaty region on the basis of Protocol No. 2 dated June 29, 2023.


For the second anniversary summit, the «regulations on the Turan summit tour» were developed, approved by the university management and agreed with the Federation of sports tourism of Almaty.


Climbers Alexei Maryashev and Veniamin Vekshin climbed the same peak (now called «Turan») in 1952. However, according to V. I. Stepanova, until 1981 he did not have the official name of the peak.


We would like to express special gratitude to the director of the Research Institute of Tourism Vukolov Vladimir Nikolaevich for his active work on climbing the zailiyskiy Alatau, naming the peak «Turan» (3970 m) in honor of the University «Turan», as well as for his contribution to the development of the University’s brand.

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