Guest lecture by Aruzhan Mede “MVP. From idea to implementation”

As part of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (9 – Creation of sustainable infrastructure, promotion of inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation), on November 10, 2023, a guest lecture on “MVP. From idea to implementation”.


Invited speaker – Aruzhan Mede, CEO, Co-Founder of IMPRO, with more than 5 years of experience in Business Development (Key Partnerships: The Walt Disney, Aston Martin Limited, Netflix, Mastercard Europe SA, Astra Zeneca, Mercedes-Benz, etc.).


As part of the lecture, Aruzhan Mede shared her experience of creating a startup, brainstorming for ideas, teamwork, and attracting investments with the students studying Information Systems. Her insights sparked a warm response from the students, leading to an influx of questions.


The organizer of the lecture is Yekaterina Romanovna Kim, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies at Turan University.

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