Results of the final stage of the “Best Graduate” competition

On May 3, 2024, the final of the annual competition “Best Graduate” took place at Turan University.


Based on the results of the finals, the best graduates of 2024 were:


  • Zhanibekova Akerke Sabyrkyzy, master’s student of the Faculty of Humanities and Law;
  • Akanova Erkezhan Serikkyzy, master’s student of the Faculty of Economics;
  • Myrzatay Eldar Yerikuly, master’s student of the faculty of “Digital Technologies and Art”;
  • Victoria Ruslanovna Sarsengalieva, Bachelor of Humanities and Law Faculty;
  • Asylbekova Karina Ruslanovna, Bachelor of Economics Faculty;
  • Malakhan Fariza Bayzhankyzy, Bachelor of Economics Faculty;
  • Makhmudov Lom-Ali Rustamovich, Bachelor of Science in STEM;
  • Kali Aibota Amanzholkyzy, Bachelor of the Faculty of Digital Technologies and Arts


Winners completing their studies in undergraduate programs and graduates receive branded products, a certificate, an invitation card to the graduation ceremony and a choice of:


  • grant for the full period of study in master’s programs (NP and specialized),
  • 80% / 50% discount for MBA Russian/English language of instruction for the entire period of study.


Winners completing master’s programs and graduates receive branded products, a certificate, an invitation card to the graduation ceremony and a choice of:


  • grant for the full period of study in master’s programs (NP and specialized)
  • 80% / 50% discount for MBA Russian/English language of instruction for the entire period of study
  • 50% discount on the full period of study for doctoral programs
  • 50% discount on the full period of study for undergraduate programs (including second higher education)


We wish the winners not to rest on their laurels and strive forward to new victories!

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