The international group of audit companies MAK Russell Bedford A + Partners “Russell Bedford A + Partner” held a guest lecture for students of the University “Turan”

On October 11, 2024, a guest lecture was organized at the Turan University by MAK Russell Bedford A + Partner represented by the employees of Anderson Qazaqstan LLP.

At the guest lecture, students learned how an audit company works, what are the main goals and objectives of the company. There was a discussion about the clients of the audit company. Students listened to the story of how to get from practice to the position of a partner of the company.


As part of the lecture, there was a conversation about the organization of industrial practice, employment.


Guests of the meeting:


  • Arnabekov Erlan – audit partner of MAK Russell Bedford A + Partners LLP
  • Mukhashev Kuanysh – audit partner of Anderson Qazaqstan LLP
  • Yermek Emberdiev – General Manager of MAK Russell Bedford A + Partners LLP


The meeting was organized by the Career and Leadership Center and the Higher School of Finance and Accounting.

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