Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Turkey Abzal Saparbekovich gave a lecture at the student club “Diplomat”

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Turkey Abzal Saparbekovich on June 4, 2021 gave a lecture on “Ten aspects of a professional diplomat” in the student club “Diplomat” within the organization of the department of Regional Studies and International Relations. During the lecture, the experienced diplomat Abzal Saparbekovich spoke about the features and significance of the diplomatic service, especially the interstate relations between Kazakhstan and Turkey. The esteemed diplomat shared on the application of academic knowledge in professional activity and basic skills necessary for a diplomat in the XXI century. During the “Diplomatic Hour” the ambassador spoke about the national peculiarities of the conduct of negotiations in the diplomatic service and shared his professional principles. The meeting ended with a session of questions and answers.


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