Meeting with representatives of the Embassy of France in Kazakhstan.

On October 1, 2021, at the University of Turan, a meeting was held with representatives of the French Embassy in Kazakhstan represented by the Adviser for Culture and Cooperation, Mr. Alex Bortolan, Attache for Audiovisual Cooperation in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ms. Emmanuel Fosillon, Attache for Culture, Ms. Leila Bushra.


In the meeting parties discussed issues of potential cooperation between the Turan Film Academy Higher School of Turan University and famous French film schools (FEMIS, Lumière, Gobelins), in particular, academic mobility of students, the opening of a workshop in Kazakhstan and the creation of an international film club in which students of both countries could share their work, as well as opportunities for advanced training of the teaching staff of the University.


Digital Technologies and Arts Faculty of Turan University has been training technical and creative personnel for the field of cinema and television, as well as related industries since 1998. The faculty has created and operates specialized rooms – television studios, pavilions and laboratories for training personnel in creative and technical specialties.

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