Guest lecture by Shynar Zhanibekova for students of the educational program «Restaurant business and hotel business»

The lecture was held within the framework of the disciplines «Brand management of the restaurant and hotel business enterprise» (teachers G.K. Yerubayeva and G.Sh. Fayzullina) and «Service equipment in restaurants and hotels» (teacher A.M. Sarsebayeva).


Experienced PR expert Shynar Zhanibekova got the lecture on «Brand promotion: current trends». The main message of the lecture is that students need to master and upgrade digital skills right now, without waiting for graduation. Because in the future, brand promotion will mainly be based on digital technologies. Plus to them will be a creative approach to solving problems of finding individuality for the development of positioning in the market of a product, enterprise, personality. Social and personal fund in the public space is important for everyone at the moment, and therefore students should also think about it. The design of the White Hall at the university where the lecture was held also contributed to the creation of a positive attitude towards the prospects presented to students.


Shynar Zhanibekova is co-founder of the Club of Kazakhstani PR experts, a diploma winner of the Russian public relations competition «Silver Archer» in the nomination «Best PR Project 2002». Winner of the National Public Relations Award «Ak Mergen», «Best PR Project 2011», «Best PR Project 2021». Participated in government working groups on the development of a number of bills.

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