TURAN SCIENCE FORUM Expert (facilitation) session «The phenomenon of hospitality in Islamic culture»

On April 13, at the initiative of the Department of Tourism and Service of Turan University, a discussion of the topical topic “Islamic culture and hospitality as part of traditions and service” was organized.  The introductory reports were made by Zhanna Prashkevich (consultant, researcher at The Guests Studio), Dosymbek Khatran (PhD, Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak), Ayaulym Satbekova (Master’s student, Almaty Technological University).Their speeches were supplemented by 4th-year students of the RDiGB OP Kamila Utyasheva and Madina Maratkyzy, who presented their results of their diploma studies made in the context of the stated topic of the session.


The interactive part of the program, led by experienced moderator Zhanna Dyusenova (The Guests Studio), included a discussion of promising ways to study the phenomenon of hospitality in Islamic culture for the development of the hospitality and service industry, as well as the tourism industry of Kazakhstan.


As a result of the discussion, proposals were put forward to organize an additional meeting in continuation of the topic under discussion, to create a practical discipline on traditional Kazakh and Islamic culture as a response to the challenge of the ever-increasing role of Halal tourism, to include topics related to Islamic hospitality in the topics of theses of the next academic year.

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