Presentation of textbooks with authors

On April 13, 2023, the Department of “Jurisprudence and International Law” of the University “Turan” held a presentation of two scientific works carried out by members of the faculty of the department: the textbook “Kұқyқtyқ kasіpterdin licensiyalanuy”, authors Alaeva G.T., Aldabergenova N.A. and the textbook “Kazakhstan Republicsyndagy құқyқtyқ zhanzhaldar zhane mediation”, authors Rehson S.N., Suleimenova N.O., Dzhumabayeva K.A.


The round table was attended by students of the specialties “Jurisprudence” and “International Law” of bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral studies and invited guests-partners: notaries Ibrayeva N.A., Alibekova L.R., ChSI Zhusipbekov B., Myrzaly R., mediators Narbayeva G.K., Zhakupov Zh.A., lawyer Syzdykova Sh.S., trainer of professional mediators, arbitrator of the Kazakhstan International Arbitration, International Arbitration of the Eurasian Economic Space, retired judge Sharifbayeva Halbuvi Sadykovna. The event was moderated by the Deputy Head of the Department “Jurisprudence and IL” PhD Dzhumabayeva K.A.


The authors talked about what caused the need to create teaching aids, about their content and uniqueness. All invited partners noted the practical importance, timeliness and relevance of developing these training materials.


The presentation of teaching aids aroused keen interest among students and stakeholders, once again demonstrated the commitment of the University “Turan” to the innovative and entrepreneurial course of the learning process.

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