Student participation in the Student Debate Tournament

Kazakh National Agrarian Research University with the support of the Akimat of Almaty city, on December 1, 2023, the Student Debate Tournament “Artificial Intelligence in the economy: challenges and prospects” was held. The debate was held among students of higher educational institutions of Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the Debate was the development of critical thinking among young people, the art of speaking, leadership skills, education of an active civic position, selection and support of the most talented and gifted students.


The winner of the debate was the 3rd year student of the OP “Marketing” Zholshybek Zhanserik Bakytzhanuly. He is also recognized as the best debate speaker.


The organizer of the student’s participation in the debate was senior lecturer of the Department of Marketing and Logistics Kadyrova Korlan Zharylkasymovna. Senior lecturer Galimova Nazgul Galymkyzy provided assistance in the preparation of the winner

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