Information about the competition of Scientific research works of students and undergraduates, about the Republican student subject Olympiad

University “Turan” on the basis of the letter of the Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education MNVO RK № 14-0/1420-вн from 01.04.2024. is the base university on carrying out of the Republican competition of research works of students among higher educational institutions on OP 7M06101 – “Information systems”, 7M11101, 7M11105 – “Tourism”, 6B04101 – “Management”, 7M04109, 7M04102 – “Management”, as well as on holding the Republican Student Subject Olympiad on OP 6В11301 – “Logistics”, 6В02102 – “Operator’s Art”, 6В04106 – “Finance” and informs about the admission of competitive documents for the II stage.


We kindly ask you to submit a package of documents on paper and electronic media according to the Recommendations on the organization and conduct of the annual competition of research works of students and the Republican Student Subject Olympiad of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the address (with the note “For the Republican Competition of Research and Development / Research and Education, “name of the OP”): index 050013, Almaty, Satpayev str. 16A, Department of Science and Commercialization of Scientific Projects.


Please see the attachment for the deadline for submission of the package of documents and other details.


Информационное письмо XVI РСПО ОП Финансы НИРМ ОП ИС НИРМ ОП Туризм НИРС, НИРМ ОП Менеджмент 2024 РСПО ОП Логистика РСПО ОП Операторское исскуство
Online admissions