The Department of Regional Studies and International Relations of the University of Turan, together with the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland, held an international conference

On May 20, 2024 Department of Regional Studies and International Relations, University of Turan and the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland held international conference on the topic “History of Kazakh-Polish relations using the example of famous personalities”. The topic of the conference discussed for the first time the role of famous personalities in the formation and development of ties between the Kazakh and Polish peoples. Welcoming speeches were given to the participants by: Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Kingdom of Belgium Margulan Baimukhan, Consul General of Poland in Kazakhstan Jozef Tymanowski, Vice-Rector of the University of Turan Razakova Dina Ibragimovna. The main event was the presentation and discussion of the book by M. Baymukhanov and Zh. Karinbaev “The History of Kazakh-Polish Relations on the Example of Famous Personalities”. The authors of the scientific work presented the main results of their work and answered questions during the discussion. The round table also had speakers with their topics: Gubaidullina M.Sh., Galia Temirton, Dr. Dmitry Panto, master Nyshanbaev N.K.


Conference moderator: Head of the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations Tolen Zh.M. confirmed that this is the third such meeting organized jointly with the Consulate General of Poland in Kazakhstan.


The round table participants confirmed the special importance of preserving the memory and achievements of the history of the Polish and Kazakh peoples to strengthen friendly ties between Poland and Kazakhstan.

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