International research center «Civilization Turan»


050013 Republic of Kazakhstan,16-A Satpayev st., Almaty

Telephone: + 7 (727) 260-40-29


Date of creation: January 2024


Conducting international scientific and applied research on current problems of world civilizations within the framework of scientific and innovative activities of the university.

  • Development of issues of theory and practice of the development of the Turan civilization.
  • Collaboration with research institutes and various communities to jointly develop and implement the center’s initiatives.
  • Creation of scientific, innovative and other tools in the form of scientific publications and copyright objects.
  • Development of international cooperation for the joint development and implementation of initiatives within the framework of the center’s activities.
  • Implementation of special projects within the framework of the center research activities.
Main directions of activity
  • Conducting applied scientific research of the center on the problems of world civilization.
  • Creating a platform for discussing current problems of world civilizations in Central Asia by organizing important events, conferences, seminars, round tables, etc.
  • The issues of reviving cooperation and integrity between the Turan countries and bringing these processes to a new level.
  • Development of international cooperation for the joint development and implementation of initiatives for the development of international relations.
  • Conducting an analysis of written sources and historiography of the origins of steppe civilization.
  • To pave the way for the study and popularization of the philosophy, literature and history of the Turkic Turan.
  • Establishment of scientific and innovative and other mechanisms in the form of scientific publications, TV shows and copyright objects.
  • Development of joint projects within the framework of the center’s activities and establishment of international cooperation for their implementation.
Scientific publications
  • Алшанов Р.А. Легенды о Турандот. Научно-популярный очерк. – Алматы: Университет «Туран», 2024 – 112 стр.
  • Алшанов Р.А. Тайна двадцати тысячелетий: поиски и открытия. Издание шестое, дополненное. – Алматы: Ассоциация вузов Республики Казахстан. Университет «Туран», 2021. – с. 679.
  • Алшанов Р.А. Казахстан – родина зороастризма. Научный очерк. – Алматы: университет «Туран», 2023. – 104 с.
  • Алшанов Р.А. Легенды о Турандот. Научно-популярный очерк. – Алматы: Университет «Туран», 2024 – 112 стр.
  • Алшанов Р.А. Зороастризм: раскол, отход от тенгрианства Турана // Аль­Фараби. Журнал социально­гуманитарных наук. – 2023. – № 2 (82) – 28-38 стр.
  • Алшанов Р.А. Сириус В и комета Галлея: серия колоссальных экологических катастроф на Земле», 2020. – №1 (85). – 279-284 стр.
  • Алшанов Р.А. Загадка Сириуса В: поиск земных ответов», Вестник университета «Туран», 2022. – №2 (94) – 347-356 стр.
  • Алшанов Р.А. Ден (дін) – духовное расхождение молитв древних акынов и учения Заратуштры», Вестник университета «Туран», 2021. – №4 (92) – 224-232 стр.
  • Төлен Ж.М. Adaptation of the Global Citizenship Scale in a Multicultural Country: Kazakhstan // Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 2023:14 (3), 97-116
  • Төлен Ж.М. The Role of Outstanding Personalities in the Kazakh Society (Comparative Analysis of the Kazakh Traditional Social Culture) The Anthropologist. International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies of Man. ISSN 0972-0073. 25(1,2): 95-102 (2016). DOI: 10.1080/09720073.2016.11892093.
  • Төлен Ж.М. Identification оf Mental Types оf The Kazakh Culture In The Context оf Euroasian Civilizations // Man In India, ISSN: 0025-1569. Volume: No.96 (2016) Issue No.12. Pages: 5585-5595.
  • Төлен Ж.М. The Tolerance Principles in Works of Kazakh Poets and Storytellers // Man In India, ISSN: 0025-1569. Volume:  97 (2017) Issue No.20.  Pages: 357-363.
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