Presentation of the Startech course, Almaty Student Technopreneurs Challenge project

On August 3, 2021, the presentation of a unique business course of the Moscow company Startech took place at TURAN University (, which was conducted by Viktor Brant, a native of Kazakhstan and a managing partner of Startech. The event was held within the framework of the Summer School of Young Technological Entrepreneurs of Almaty (the Almaty Student Technopreneurs Challenge project), which we are implementing with the support of the Akimat of Almaty, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Atameken.


  • What is an individual development map of a schoolboy and a student-a future technology entrepreneur?
  • What is the economy and features of the Startech program?
  • What modules does the course consist of and the presentation of the expert modules?
  • What is the simulation of the project environment about?
  • What knowledge, skills and competencies will the participants of the business course receive?
  • Why are there many talents in Kazakhstan, Russia and the CIS countries, but there are few technological entrepreneurs?

The participants of the meeting, including more than 60 high school students, students of colleges and universities in Almaty and other regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, received detailed answers to these and other questions.

Read more about the Almaty Student Technopreneurs Challenge project on the website and in the news telegram channel –


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