Students about religious extremism

As part of the implementation of the state program to counter religious extremism and terrorism in the Republic of Kazakhstan, on September 15, an informative and explanatory lecture for students was held at the Turan University.

The main task of the events is to increase religious and religious literacy.

In the light of the latest events in the world related to terrorism, the Taliban movement, necessary in the formation of the worldview of a modern young person is knowledge of the history of the spread of Islam in Kazakhstan, its place and role in Kazakh traditions and rituals.

At the lecture, senior lecturer of Al-Farabi KazNU, PhD doctoral student of religious studies, Tungatova Ulzhan Askarbaevna, enlightened students in basic concepts and topical issues on the topic “Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism.”

The lecture was held online in Kazakh and Russian languages.

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