Turan University graduate became rector of Astana Medical University.

Kamalzhan Talgatovich Nadyrov, a graduate of Turan University with a degree in Economics, has been appointed Rector of Astana Medical University.


Kamalzhan Nadyrov was born in 1983 in Almaty. In 2009 he graduated from Turan University.


Over the years , he held senior positions in the following organizations:

  • From 2007 to 2014 he worked at the Scientific Center of Urology named after B.U. Jarbusynov: clinical resident, head of department, Deputy General Director.
  • He has been working in the structure of the Ministry of Health since 2014. He held the position of Deputy Director of the Department of Standardization of Medical Services.
  • From 2016 to 2017, he headed the Republican Diagnostic Center – Director of the University Medical Center branch.
  • From 2017 to 2018, Head of the Astana City Health Department.
  • From 2019 to 2020, he held the position of Vice Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • From June to October 2020, Head of the Public Health Department of Almaty.


Turan University is proud of the success of its graduates and wishes Kamalzhan Nadyrovich success in his career!

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