Field training practice of students of the educational program «Restaurant and hotel business»

The disciplines «Economics of hospitality enterprises» and «Fundamentals of entrepreneurship in the restaurant and hotel business» are very interesting, because they make it possible to visit hotels of different levels, as well as other cities and learn from the experience of expertss in their field. In November, a field practice with 2nd year students (lektor A.M. Sarsebayeva) was held at the Kazzhol Hotel.


Hotels provide students with the opportunity to learn from experience and learn to work with clients, and the staff of the hotel industry is constantly improving their skills and abilities through periodic trainings aimed at professional development. Every student studying in the direction of «Hotel business» has the full right to visit hotels, communicate with hotel business professionals, delve into the subtleties of the work of all services, ask questions and get full answers to them.


In the future, when the conditions of the epidemiological situation will not be as tough as they were before, students will have the opportunity to visit hotels frequently and practice. After all, when you see everything with your own eyes, you want to start a career in this field, join this profession and become a really good specialist in order to earn good money, develop and live happily.

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