Round table in honor of the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

“Turan” University hosted an international round table “Features of the formation and development of the “Kazakhstani model “of political culture: the example of Almaty city” organized by the Public Fund “Mangilik Qazaqstan” and the Department of “Regional Studies and IR” with the support of the city administration of Almaty on November 22, 2021. The round table was organized as part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan.


The round table brought together famous experts, scientists from Kazakhstan, Turkey and Ukraine. There were active participants in the meeting with students, masters of the “Turan” University as: Head of the Center of political research Amrebaev A.M., Head of the Department of political science and political technologies of KazNU named after al-Farabi Nasimova G.O., Head of the Department of international relations of KazUIR & WL named after Abylai Khan Gulnash Askhat, Head of the Department of social and political research of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Rystina I.S., lawyer of the “Ak zhol” political party Omarov D., experts Isaev A.U., Kilybaeva Sh., Sultanmuratov N. and others. All those present agreed with the opinion of Aidar Amrebayev that the political culture of modern youth in Kazakhstan is fundamentally different from the adult majority of citizens of the Republic. Expert of KISS Indira Rystina confirmed that the formation of the political culture of Kazakhstani youth is increasingly influenced by the international space and news, rather than the internal situation of Kazakhstan.


Political scientist Isaev Ablaziz believes that the compulsory study of the subjects as “Fundamentals of Law” and “Political Science” in all universities will positively affect the increase in the political culture of youth. A special opinion was expressed by an expert from Ukraine Yuriy Poyta, who believes that there are many similarities in the political culture of modern youth in Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

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