Adviser hour of group 191 (4) OP “Accounting and audit” with an independent auditor

On December 2, 2021, the Department of Accounting and Audit invited the Director of Independent Auditing Company AZHUR LLP Dzhamankaraeva Svetlana Satybaldievna to conduct an evaizer hour with group 191 (4) of the OP ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT. The Evaysian hour was held at 17.00. in the auditorium 510. The group adviser, associate professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing, A.Zh. (picture 1). The business practitioner shared her experience, talked about problematic issues in the audit (Figure 2). Based on the results of the conversation conducted by S.S. Dzhamankaraeva. I would like to note that the students were pleased with the fact that they chose our profession, they also received answers to many questions (Figure 3).

Advisor: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Dossaeva A.Zh.

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