Robotics courses «RE:BOOT»

Supervisor – Shevchenko Sergey Romanovich, 3rd year student of the educational program «Intelligent Robotics»

On the basis of the student science club RE:BOOT provides courses in robotics and 3D modeling.


Purpose of the Science Student Club RE:BOOTfamiliarization of students with the features of research work; activation, development and popularization of research work among students; formation of the idea of ​​improvement, development of the intellectual and general cultural level, disclosure of creative potential, readiness for communication in scientific fields of activity.

Robotics courses

Robotics courses are open to schoolchildren on a paid basis at the university. Work on the course was carried out for 2 months, the team developed and compiled ideas that competitors do not have. The launch was very long.


Having launched advertising, 15 clients came to a trial lesson. The core of the training is the Arduino Uno platform. In this course, electrical engineering and circuitry are studied, without this knowledge it will not be possible to assemble a robot or a technical project.


First, we tell how the light bulb works, how the light bulb can be controlled, and then we assemble the first traffic light project. Having gained enough knowledge, we are putting together a more complex project: a radio-controlled car that opens a chest when pressed, etc.

3D modeling courses

3D modeling can be divided into 2 categories: production and creative. There are small differences between them, I use the production one to create projects, for example: to model a case for a device or to model a model to supply a phone, etc., and creative modeling is used to create a graphic object, or to model a person, 3D graphics for a movie, etc. .

Our students are actively developing models for projects: they have modeled the body for the Wally robot and its eyes, or they have modeled the chassis for the robot that will drive along the line.

3D printing

This special equipment converts the 3D model into a printed model, that is, we have a ready-made 3D model, this 3D model will be converted using special software into a file for an understandable 3D printer, then in order to print a 3D model on a 3D printer, there must be plastic that will be melted and printed 3D model. Many prototypes have been printed on a 3D printer and are used for projects.

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