Debates as a teaching method!

In January 2022, a training “Debates as a teaching method” was organized by the public foundation “Tournaman” for the teachers of Turan University.


Debates in ancient times were considered as a system of structural discussions and were most often used in politics. Nowadays, debates are used in the teaching of certain disciplines. Properly organized and conducted debates will help the teacher to form students’ skills such as the ability to express their opinions in a reasoned manner, competently, clearly formulate thoughts, think logically, analyze the situation (phenomenon, event), draw conclusions, listen and hear the opponent, and the most important thing is to respect rivals.


The teachers not only received theoretical knowledge about debates, about the organization and conduct of debates, evaluation of the works of the participants in the debates, but also had the opportunity to participate in the debates themselves. Following the results of the game, each participant received feedback from the coach, as well as recommendations for improving performances in a particular role.

Online admissions