Professionals in tourism: vocation and school

The peculiarity of the educational program «Tourism» at the University «Turan – is the presence of the discipline «Tourist and sports training». This subject is taught by the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Master of Sports of the USSR in mountain tourism, Master of sports of the international class of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sports tourism, Honored instructor of tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan, judge of the international category in sports tourism, Director of the Research Institute of Tourism of the University «Turan», Professor of the Department «Tourism and Service» Vukolov Vladimir Nikolaevich.


Classes are held in the areas of the northern spur of the Trans-Ili Alatau, along the Almatinka – Terrenkur river, Kim-Asar River – lane. Kim-Asar, R. Butakovka. Sports tourism is characterized by constant self-improvement, increasing the level of physical activity and health for conducting active social and professional activities. Students of Turan University have repeatedly won prizes in various competitions and championships in sports and mountain tourism. The program includes the initial training of students who will later gain real experience of hiking in their native land, will be able to be competent tour operators, i.e. specialists who are able to make competitive programs for domestic and inbound tourism.

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