Business coach of STEM business school Assel Temirgalieva became the winner in the nomination “Best CFO 2022”

Assel Temirgalieva, a business coach at the STEM business school of Turan University and financial director of Schneider Electric, became the winner in the nomination “Best CFO 2022″.


CFO (Cheif Financial Officer) is the highest administrative position in the company.

The nomination that Assel received is an award in the competition ” Best Chief Financial Officer of 2022″.


The competition was held on the basis of the CFO Summit, a professional platform that unites the best financiers and economists of the country to exchange experience and find solutions to current issues in economics, finance and investment in Kazakhstan.


The CFO 2022 award is given to the best financial directors who have made a significant contribution to the development of their company by improving its financial performance.


We can say with confidence that only the best business coaches teach and conduct trainings at the STEM business school, which shows the highest level of our education.


Let’s congratulate Assel together on such an incredible achievement and wish her to achieve even greater heights!

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