TURAN SCIENCES FORUM Strategic session «Social transformations: realities and new challenges»

From April 11 to 17, 2022, the TURAN SCIENCES FORUM «Integration of Education, Science and Business: Innovations and Vectors» began its work. It was opened by the strategic session «Social Transformations: Realities and New Challenges». This event is aimed at determining the current changes in which society adapts to new environmental conditions through the formation of programs, projects, goals, technologies, resolution of contradictions, etc.


The Rector of Turan University, Doctor of Economics, Professor R.A. Alshanov, opened the plenary session. He noted the importance of developing and making strategic decisions both for society as a whole and for education in particular. Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aidos Sarym noted positive trends in the socio-economic development of the country. Thus, during the pandemic period of 2020-2021, more than 1 million Kazakhstanis were born, which should become the basis for the formation of the strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, he noted the following: «Today’s decisions determine the future, because all the problems that exist in Kazakhstan are related to education, and our main value is children. All parents want a stable life for their children».


Aliyarov E.K., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, President of the Kazakhstan Center for Humanitarian and Political Conjuncture, focused the attention of the session participants on the importance of institutions that will maintain stability in the country.


All the speakers addressed the analysis of the «January events» in Kazakhstan in their speeches. Akimzhanov T.K., Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Law of the University «Turan» noted the importance of the scientific approach in the formation of the legal structures of the state. Maralbek Ermukhanbet, PhD, the Deputy Director of the A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics addressed the relevance of the development of the state language in all directions. Seralieva A.M., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of KazNPU named after Abaya called for closer explanatory work among young people to prevent extremism.


Gorylev A.I., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky spoke about the experience of internationalization of education and cooperation with the University «Turan». Bulent Tarman, PhD outlined the possibilities of education within the framework of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals proclaimed by the UN.


All the proposals made in the strategic session will be accumulated and set out in the resolution.

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