Conflicts: resolution technologies

On April 20, 2022, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, M.T. Davletova organized a master class for 3rd-year students of the specialty “Marketing” (after college). The theme of the master class: “Conflicts: resolution technologies”, speaker – senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology Mardanova Sholpan Saparovna. She spoke about the positive and negative sides of the conflict, the causes of the conflict, the stages of its development, types of conflict, ways and methods of its resolution, possible consequences, the role of a mediator in conflict resolution. The master class aroused keen interest and positive responses from students. They listened attentively, asked questions, actively participated in the discussion and expressed their opinions. The master class was held at a high scientific and theoretical level, it was very interesting, informative, informative and useful.

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