On April 28, 2022, the XIV Republican Student Subject Olympiad in the specialty 6B04104-World Economy was held in an offline format

On April 28, 2022, the XIV Republican Student Subject Olympiad in the specialty 6B04104-World Economy was held in an offline format in Nur-Sultan #EsilUniversity, where 3rd-year students of the University “Turan” Ukibayeva Zhanna, Bekkalikyzy Aruzhan, Dumankyzy Kundyz, under the scientific guidance of senior lecturer Irkitbaeva Assel Bakytkyzy once again achieved their goal, and showed their high levels of knowledge.


The Olympiad was held in 3 stages:

  • Scientific essay (on specific topics);
  • Testing in the disciplines: “International Business”, “World Economy” and “World commodity markets” in English and Kazakh;
  • Case analysis and solution.

As a result of fierce competition, students Bekkalikyzy Aruzhan and Dumankyzy Kundyz were awarded with commendatory diplomas, and Ukibayeva Zhanna was awarded the highest grade – a diploma of the 1st degree, which is recommended in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


We congratulate the students and wish them further victories!

Online admissions