Republican competition scientific-research work of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the educational program “Management”

Turan University, as a basic university, held the II stage of the Republican competition of research work of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the educational program “Management”. 24 research papers of students from 19 higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan were submitted to the II stage of the competition.


Chairman: Razakova D.I. – Candidate of Economics, PhD, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation;


Members of the competition Commission:

Koshmambetov A.A. – Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty;

Yeralina E.M. – PhD, Head of the Department of “Management”;

Bukeikhanova T.K. – Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management;

Gabdullin R.B. – Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management;

Secretary: Abilkhanova M.


According to the results of the competition, the commission recommends the following participants for awarding prizes:


1st place – JSC «Almaty Technological University»

Authors: Bakhamov K., Alosmanova M.

Scientific adviser: doctor of economic sciences, professor Dzholdasbayeva G.K., lector of the department “Economics and management” Beisekova P.D.


2nd place – «Turan» University

Author: Tailakova A.

Scientific adviser: candidate of economic sciences, professor Sisenova A.T.


2nd place – EE «Almaty Management University»

Authors: Amangeldy G. Lee V., Zhalgas M., Abdulova D., Park M.

Scientific adviser: candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Rakhimbekova Zh.S.


3rd place – «West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University»

Author: Kineeva A.V.

Scientific advisers: candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Kurmanova G.K., master of economic sciences, senior teacher Urazova B.A.


3rd place – «Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov»

Author: Zagiparova A. A.

Scientific adviser: Zhanseitova G.S.


3rd place – «International University of Information Technologies»

Author: Galimova A.F.

Scientific adviser:candidate of economic sciences,professor Berdykulova G.M.

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