The final II stage of the XIV Republican Student Subject Olympiad of the educational program “Finance” was held at Turan University on April 22, 2022

Applications for participation in the Olympiad were submitted by 17 universities, and further 12 universities out of them were selected according to the requirements stated by the organizers.


The students and scientific supervisors were selected from the following universities: Kokshetau University named after Abai Myrzakhmetov, Non-profit Joint Stock Company “Toraigyrov University”, “Atyrau University named after H.Dosmuhamedov” KeAK, Kostanai Engineering – economics University named after M. Dulatov, Astana International University, Almaty Management University,  Kagandy University named after Academician E.A. Buketov, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Narkhoz University, Karaganda University of  Kazpotrebsoyuz, “University “Turan” Institution. The selection process and final selection decision was made by the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.


The partners of the Olympiad were the Project of improving financial literacy of the population of the Department of Consumer Protection of Financial Services of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market, the International Financial Group IDF Eurasia, the first and largest online alternative lending service in Kazakhstan SOLVA, JSC Insurance Company “Kommesk – Omir”, JSC Insurance Company “Sentras Insurance”.


The Olympiad judges consisted of:

  • Chairman – Yntykbaeva S.K. Head of the Financial Literacy Improvement Department of the Financial Services Consumer Protection Department of the Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Deputy. The Chairman is R.V. Margatsky, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance at Turan University.

Members of the Olympiad judges commitee:

  • Tarkhanova K.G. Head of the Department of Credit and Non-credit products of SMEs of the International Fintech Holding “IDF Eurasia”;
  • Vergel S.S. Deputy Director of the Insurance Security Department of JSC IC “Centras insurance”;
  • Nuriakhmetova I.N. Chief Specialist of the Financial Literacy Improvement Department of the Financial Services Consumer Protection Department of the Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • A.A. Aigalin, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance at Turan University;
  • Sigaev E.A. Doctor of Economics, Acting Professor of the Department “Finance and Accounting” of the Higher School of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University;
  • Secretary: Amangozhaeva A.B., Senior lecturer of the Department of Finance, M.E.

In the second stage, the students who passed the selection participated in three rounds:

  • Testing in the disciplines “Taxes and taxation” and “Introduction to Finance””;
  • Case solving problems in the disciplines of “Corporate Finance” and “Banking”;
  • Defense of scientific projects on the topic of the Olympiad “Finance of Kazakhstan: search for answers to new challenges”.

An interesting moment was the showing of video cards of universities “Financier of the Future”, which were evaluated by the number of views and comments on Instagram.


According to the results of the competition, by the decision of the judges, the places were distributed as follows:

  • 1st place – Nurtazinova Zhanerke Sergeevna (Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz)
  • 2nd place-Zheksen Aigerim Aidoskyzy (Almaty Management University);
  • 2nd place-Zhumakhmetova Aizada Zhumabekovna (NAO ” Atyrau university named after H. Dosmukhamedova);
  • 3rd place – Elemesova Alina Sagadatovna (NJSO “Toraigyrov University”,);
  • 3rd place – Beimbetova Aigerim (Narxoz University);
  • 3rd place – Abdurakhmanov Azamat Bolatovich (University “Turan”).

The diplomas were awarded to the winners of the Olympiad  and personal certificates of partners to all the participants of the Olympiad.

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