JSC “Science Fund” held a presentation of the concept of a new direction of commercialization support

It has already become a tradition to gather an initiative group of Business incubators and accelerators of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the business hall of Turan University to discuss new strategic decisions that contribute to the development of new Kazakhstan.


On May 6, 2022, an online meeting was held where the initiative group of Business Incubators and Accelerators of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan participated in the discussion of the budget for “support for business incubators and accelerators” with representatives of the Science Fund Kurmangazy Omarov and its department. More than 50 universities gathered at this meeting. The Science Fund discussed the budget that they will propose to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to develop the acceleration program. This discussion was held as part of the continuation of the online meeting “Problems in the commercialization of technology and ways to solve them.”


The initiative of the Science Fund was supported, and proposals were made by representatives of universities for the further development of the Concept of the acceleration program.


On May 13, 2022, again in the business hall of the Turan University (Almaty), a meeting of the working group of Business incubators and accelerators of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held with the participation of IT International University, Kazakh-British Technical University, the University of International Business (UIB), the International Educational Corporation (KAU and KAZGASA), Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, Turan-Astana University, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Kokshetau University named after. Sh. Ualikhanov, the first private MOST Business Incubator, Milan Technical University, followed by a discussion on the online platform of the Concept of the Acceleration Program of the Science Foundation of the MES RK.


During the presentation, the relevance and priority tasks were discussed, the strategy was considered, and the risks affecting the effectiveness of the acceleration program were assessed.


The participants of the meeting noted that this acceleration program of the Science Fund is new, creative, and necessary for the development of science and its commercialization in general.


Representatives of the Science Fund, in turn, thanked for the lively constructive discussion and support for her new direction in the development program for the commercialization of scientific projects.


These gatherings at the University of Turan are always carried out promptly and in working order, which increases the efficiency of the initiative group.

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