On the basis of the Turan business incubator for the first time the Study tour program was implemented for the internship of residents in local and foreign start-ups, and in successful enterprises

On May 17, 2022, a memorandum was signed between Turan University and KAZSTEKLO LLP on conducting short-term STUDY tour internships for residents of the TURAN business incubator.


STUDY tour is a program for residents of the TURAN business incubator to local and foreign start-ups and successful enterprises.


The purpose of the program is to systematize, generalize and deepen theoretical knowledge, to form practical skills, general cultural, professional competencies and professional profile competencies based on studying the work of organizations in which residents undergo internships.


KAZSTEKLO is an example of a successful, growing Kazakh company with 82 jobs and is engaged in the production of various glass structures for commercial and residential complexes. To date, KAZSTEKLO is expanding, has purchased equipment and puts into operation additional workshops for the production of tempered glass.


On May 30, 2022, the first group of residents of the TURAN business incubator completed a short-term internship. The objective of this internship was to study business processes in practice and apply the acquired knowledge in start-up projects.


In this internship, residents studied the business processes of the enterprise (marketing, sales, finance, technical, production), developed a business process roadmap, discussed how to apply the enterprise business process model to startups, created a preliminary business process roadmap own startups, gave suggestions for improvement.


One of the proposals that interested the company was the creation of plastic components for glass structures on a 3D printer and 3D modeling of finished glass design solutions for the company’s customers.


As a result, a 3rd year student (one of the residents of the TURAN business incubator) received a job offer from the enterprise.


As the residents of the business incubator noted, such internships clearly improve the understanding of how to build their own startups and raise the efficiency of projects to a new level.

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