The ISPC “Tolerance and Geopolitical Challenges” was held at Turan University

The ISPC “Tolerance and Geopolitical Challenges” was held at Turan University

On May 31, 2022, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Tolerance and Geopolitical Challenges” was held at Turan University, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Turan University and the Year of Children in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The purpose of the conference is to discuss the problems of tolerance as a moral and spiritual category reflecting the urgent need of a modern multicultural society. Exchange of views on issues of tolerance, interethnic peace and interfaith harmony in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the world.


The conference was attended by employees of universities coordinating educational work, teachers, students, undergraduates of universities of Kazakhstan and Russia, employees of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the KN MES RK. The moderator of the conference was the Department of “Regional Studies and MO” of the University.


The Vice-rector for Social and educational work, teachers and students of the University “Turan”, teachers from Volgograd State University (Russia), International University of Information Technologies, KazNPU named after Abai, Kazakh-American University, Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University, researchers of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the KN MES RK.


All participants noted the relevance and importance of the topic under discussion. A collection of reports will be published based on the results of the conference.

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