The best student of the CIS-2022

On the Day of the State Symbols of Kazakhstan, the V International Conference “Youth and Science: New trends of Independence” was held in the House of Ministries. The best CIS student of 2022 was also awarded in this location.


A 1st-year student of the University “Turan” majoring in Law Armankyzy Kyzgaldak (head – Dzhumabayeva Karlygash Asilkhanovna, associate professor, PHD) was awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree of the International competition “Best Student of the CIS – 2022”, which was held from February 25 to March 10 under the organization of the association of legal entities in the form of Association “National movement “Bobek”.


The Department of “Jurisprudence and MP” congratulates the winner and its head and wishes further victories!

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