Public services in the field of copyright |
The subject discloses a methodology based on the requirements of the law for classifying archival documents as objects of copyright and related rights, establishing the authors of documents and holders of exclusive rights to objects of copyright and related rights, discusses the features of concluding contracts for the use of such documents, determines the conditions for the implementation of various forms of using such documents in the archive. The introduction of innovative technologies and progress, the legislator consistently improves legislative acts, thereby creating conditions for the realization of creative potential. |
Methodology of the scientific project |
The purpose of the discipline is a practical lesson in the application of previously acquired knowledge in practice, as well as their consolidation. Mastering the methods of formation of communicative competencies |
The methodology of legal analysis |
The purpose of the course: to expand the understanding of the methodological foundations of analytical work. To form a stable skill of application of methods of legal analysis at all levels of analytical activity in the field of jurisprudence. Formation of the ability of undergraduates to make a judgment on the basis of incomplete or limited information, as well as the ability to predict the consequences of the application of specific rules of law or regulations. |
The concept and types of exclusive intellectual property rights |
The subject of study is the exclusive rights to intellectual property objects, while mastering the discipline, the conceptual apparatus of exclusive rights and their varieties are studied. Exclusive rights are the objects of license agreements, it is they that allow the intellectual property objects to be used by the copyright holders to profit from the intellectual property object. |
Copyright and related rights |
The goal is to form analytical skills in the legal protection of copyright and related rights in the process of their implementation and use, to teach how to choose the best models for the commercialization of the results of intellectual activity when using copyright and related rights, to demonstrate the skills to develop their own projects in solving legal incidents, conflicts and cases on copyright issues. law and related rights, drawing up procedural documents necessary to protect the exclusive rights of authors, performers, producers of phonograms and broadcasting and cable broadcasting organizations. |
Contract law |
The subject of “Contract Law” is the analysis of the most significant concepts and structures of contract law in the context of reforming legislation, changing needs of participants in civil transactions and the formation of law enforcement practice, including under the influence of crisis phenomena. |
License agreements |
The subject of this discipline is the study of the structure, elements and features of the conclusion of license agreements for various intellectual property objects, within the framework of the course it is assumed to master practical skills in drafting, registering, challenging existing license agreements. |
Personal moral rights |
The discipline is for the development of students in the master”s program, special knowledge and skills in the field of protection of personal non-property rights of citizens. The acquired knowledge and skills can be applied in further scientific activities, and to implement the norms of substantive and procedural law in professional activities, as well as in the course of applying the provisions of civil law on the protection of intangible benefits. |
International legal protection of intellectual property |
The subject will form a scientific understanding of the international system for the protection of intellectual property, the main international treaties and conventions in the field of international law on the protection and protection of intellectual property, agreements and rules for the international trade in goods and the provision of services containing objects of intellectual property. |
Patent Law |
The goal is to develop the ability of undergraduates to independently analyze the conditions of legal protection of patent rights to industrial property objects, the ability to systematically assess legal processes and apply legislation on obtaining a patent and its legal protection, demonstrate the skills of conducting projects on the commercialization of industrial property objects. This discipline allows you to master the legal knowledge necessary for the judicial protection of inventions, utility models, industrial designs and breeding achievements, to study the forms and methods of pre-trial protection of industrial property in court |
Workshop on the protection of intellectual property |
The subject forms the skills of applying mechanisms for the protection and protection of intellectual property, resolving issues of compensation for damage caused to copyright holders as a result of violation of exclusive rights, creation and implementation of the protection of intellectual property objects. |
Forensic examination of intellectual property objects |
When studying the subject, undergraduates will master the basics of the theory of forensic examination and the practice of its appointment and production on intellectual property objects, the use of forensic examination as a source of forensic evidence in litigation in relation to intellectual property objects. |