Intellectual property law


Training of highly qualified Masters of law in the relevant field, with professional competencies, general cultural skills that meet the needs of government agencies, business on the creation, regulation and protection of intellectual property.

Formed learning outcomes

Office work in departments and departments of personnel service; solve organizational issues of ensuring the activities of the competitive, disciplinary, attestation and other commissions on personnel issues; organization of personnel selection; registration of documents related to the passage of civil servants of the civil service; accounting of personal data of civil servants; organization of performance evaluation of administrative civil servants. Provide consultations and clarifications on legal issues; provide legal assistance to the staff of the apparatus and deputies of the maslikhat; enter relevant information about the applicant and the list of submitted documents in the PSC IIS; related to the implementation of planning and reporting in the system of courts of general jurisdiction, to provide legal, organizational and technical assistance to judges of the Specialized Administrative Courts in preparing for a court session; Develop and implement activities to promote the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organize legal general education in the legal department of the Ministries; develop draft regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and documents of the Ministry of Legal Affairs, Ensure compliance with the law in the activities of legal departments and departments of educational institutions; organizational and technical assistance to judges of Juvenile courts in the preparation of the court session; to organize and conduct the work of legal general education of the maslikhat; conduct legal expertise of draft internal regulatory documents prepared by structural divisions; provide legal assistance to structural units, advise employees on legal issues.

Academic degree: Master of Laws in the educational program “Intellectual Property Law”


Specialty code:


7M04204: Profile direction


Full-time form of education


Study period:  1.5 years


Two entrance exams:


—  in a foreign language;

—  in the core subject (Theory of State and Law, Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

Data on disciplines
Foreing language (professional) In-depth and extended acquisition of linguistic and linguistic knowledge, expansion of the range of understanding of texts in the specialty, enrichment of the active vocabulary of socio-political vocabulary; read and translate the original literature in the specialty with a dictionary and without a dictionary for transmitting information, perform interpretation, as well as translation from English into the native language, and vice versa.
Management The purpose of teaching the discipline is a deep understanding and understanding by undergraduates of theoretical positions, methodological foundations and mastering practical methods of managing the activities of modern organizations. The discipline studies the basic laws, properties, sides and processes associated with the organization of joint activities of people for the effective and productive achievement of the goals of a modern organization.
Psychology of Management The purpose of studying the discipline is to form a coherent, systematic view of the content, structure, patterns of management activity of undergraduates. As part of mastering the discipline, undergraduates will gain knowledge about the psychological factors that ensure the effectiveness of the manager; about the psychology of motivation of people in the process of their activities; about the peculiarities of the psychological climate in the team, about the psychological aspects of leadership.
Online admissions