Тұран университетінің ағылшын тіліндегі бағдарламалар STEM бизнес-мектебіне оқуға түсу

📌What is STEM Business School?


STEM Business School is a Faculty of English Language Programs at Turan University


📌What training in STEM can give particularly to you?


STEM educational programs offer you a unique chance to master a competitive profession while using English in line with native speakers


🔹One of STEM’s best assets is a strong partnership with blue-chip international companies, and domestic corporations. These are:


~ Schneider Electric (French),

~ Bosch-Siemens (German),

~ Deloitte (American),

~ investment firm Freedom Finance,

~ law firm Goldberg & Gilmore,

~ Rahat Palace,

~ Almaty Tech Garden,

~ Samruk-Qazyna,

~ and so on and so forth


🔹Thanks to the practice-oriented education provided in STEM, the majority of current students work for top-tier international, and domestic companies in the middle of their studentship, or right after graduation.


The graduates of STEM Business School are always eagerly sought specialists in the above-listed companies, as well as in


~ Ernst & Young,

~ Ritz-Carlton,

~ KazMunaiGaz,

~ Kazakhmys,

~ and etc


🔹The upscale shtick of practice-oriented education by STEM are top-managers of frontmost international companies, who got a guernsey to participate as business-trainers. They share their working experience with students of all STEM departments, and sit on some real business-cases


🔹STEM Business School winnows the best lecturing staff, and specifically foreign specialists from the USA, the UK, France, and Austria


🔹You can join STEM Business School even if your level of English is pre-intermediate at the moment of enrolment.

The educational program of the first year sets sights on giving you in-demand fundamentals of the language as a way to make the second year of mastering the profession more comfortable to you.

Students with advanced English study independently


🔹It’s time for cherry on the cake! Discounts!


At the moment of enrolment, you are given a discount in accordance with your IELTS & TOEFL results.

Discount begins with IELTS 6.0 & TOEFL 60


Along with that, STEM gives you a discount for public grant / internal grant / UNT (ЕНТ)


🔹Determined tuition fee for all 4 academic years!


📌STEM is your confidence in future.

📌STEM is your choice on the way to success!


Contact info:


+7 (727) 260-40-38

Director of STEM Business School

Najmitdinov Akhadkhon Khamidkhanovich;


+7 (771) 260-40-10

Coordinator of STEM Business School

Mariya Frizen


Address: Satpayev St. 16а, 3rd floor, room №301

Online admissions