Joint Russian-Kazakhstan scientific seminar “Innovative educational technologies for training management personnel”

On October 6, 2022, the Russian-Kazakhstan scientific seminar “Innovative educational technologies for the training of managerial personnel” was held, which was held as part of the international Forum “Global Changes: Challenges of Science and Education”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the founding of Turan University, Almaty, The Republic of Kazakhstan.


Turan University, founded in 1992 in Almaty, is one of the first and largest non-state universities in Kazakhstan, which trains specialists focused on entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership and able to adapt to changing socio-economic conditions.


The Russian Federation and Kazakhstan are connected by long-term relations in various spheres of life, among which the educational sphere is of key importance. In this context, support for social initiatives aimed at developing joint educational and scientific projects is extremely significant.


Maxim Nazarov, Vice-Rector of the RANEPA, and Dina Ibragimovna Razakova, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation, PhD in Economics, PhD, Turan University addressed the participants of the seminar with a welcoming speech. In their speeches, the speakers focused on the need to develop cooperation in the field of education in the post-Soviet space.



Nazarov M.N.


“The Russian Federation and Kazakhstan are connected by long-term relations in various spheres of life, among which the key role belongs to the educational sphere. Our common past, our common strategic interests lead us to the formation and development of social initiatives that are aimed at supporting joint educational and scientific projects.”


In his speech, acting Director of IGSU Korchagin Ruslan Nikolaevich raised important questions: How to effectively train managerial personnel? What system is needed for innovative education? How to create conditions for professional self-determination of students, forming managerial competence in them?


Korchagin R.N.:


“The scientific and educational activities of the Academy are an ecosystem. The key word here is “system”. In my opinion, architecture, system, integrity – this is what we should be doing. We must not only conduct educational activities, we must create conditions in education, research, and consulting so that we and our students, young managers, are ready to offer answers to global challenges and solutions to national problems.”


Kireeva E.Yu., Dean of the Faculty of Human Resources Management and Civil Service of IGSU, spoke about the specifics of training personnel for the public administration system, highlighting the main tasks and prospects. The speech of Zanko T.A., Director of the Center for Public Service and Management of the IGSU, was devoted to the experience of the Institute of Public Service and Management of the RANEPA in training highly qualified managerial personnel in the DPA format. Litvintseva E.A., Academic Secretary of the IGSU, spoke about the qualification requirements for the positions of the state civil service of the Russian Federation as a strategy for training leaders.


The interest of the seminar participants was aroused by the message of Professor Vasilenko L.A., who focused on the need to develop digital competencies of leaders in a digital society. Modern leaders should be not only effective managers, but also specialists with a developed professional culture: L.I. Yatsenko spoke about this in her speech.


Druzhinina Yu.V., who shared her experience of using the “transform learning” technology in the training of managerial personnel, noted that this educational technology is able to reveal the potential of future leaders. Skipetrova T.V. spoke about modern trends in the development of networked master’s programs and about the practice of implementing the program “Psychology of Political Leadership and Management”. Makhanov A.O. shared his experience of IGSU in organizing and holding all-Russian youth competitions: “I am a professional”, “Case-championship in the direction of “State and municipal management”, “Contest of leaders of IGSU – Leader of PRO”.


The participants of the seminar were very interested in the reports of representatives of the University “Turan” (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Yerubayeva G.K., Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Law of the University “Turan”, who spoke about the experience of “Turan” in the training of management personnel, including heads of business structures, was very interesting. Professor Cherednichenko A.V. informed about the methodology for introducing GI-technologies into educational practice, considering them as a new cluster in personnel training.


The speech of Stamkulova G.A., head of the educational program “Legal support of business (corporate lawyer)” was devoted to the development of entrepreneurial competencies among students in the framework of studying the legal regulation of entrepreneurial relations. A lively interest was caused by the message of Ospanova D.A., head. Department of “Jurisprudence and International Law” University “Turan”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, who shared the practice of creating double-diploma programs at the University “Turan”, revealing the problems and opportunities.


The scientific seminar “Innovative educational technologies for training management personnel” not only made it possible to share the experience of training management personnel in Russia and Kazakhstan, but also determined further trajectories of interaction, including through the organization of joint scientific conferences and educational projects.

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