Guest lecture by K.S. Makeeva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

According to experts, in the next 2-3 years, a large number of Kazakhstani companies will have to solve the problem of creating and implementing a full-fledged logistics management system. Otherwise, companies that have reached a turnover level of over $80-100 million per year will not be able to effectively manage their commodity flow and the costs associated with the process of movement of the commodity flow within the company.


In order to become such specialists, students in the course of training should receive the most up-to-date knowledge and competencies that teachers can give.


Guest lecture by K.S. Chakeeva, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, on the topic “problems and trends in the development of logistics services in Kazakhstan”, held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, served as a vivid example of what modern specialists need to know and be able to do in order to become leaders in your field of activity.

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