A graduate of the Turan University was appointed head of the department for the development of languages in the Almaty region

By the order of the akim of the Almaty region, Daulet Shaitursyn was appointed to the post of head of the regional department for the development of languages.


In 2022, he graduated from the magistracy of Turan University with a degree in Management and Administration.


He began his career in 2008 as an assistant director of Kyzylordaotyn LLP


Over the years, he worked as the chief administrator of the Kyzylorda regional philharmonic society, inspector of the akim’s office of the Kyzylorda region, chief inspector of the organizational and control work department of the akim’s office of the city of Almaty, head of the akim’s office of the Zhetysu district of Almaty and deputy akim of the Zhetysu region.


The University is proud of Shaitursyn D.’s success and wishes her success in her career!

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