Information meeting on academic mobility abroad

On November 1, 2022, an information meeting for students was held at Turan University on the topic “Opportunities for students to participate in international academic mobility programs”.


Employees of the Department of International Cooperation presented a detailed presentation for students on the rules for participation in academic mobility, permanent foreign partner universities, and language training opportunities. Turan University is the only one university in Kazakhstan, on the basis of which 3 international and in demand around the world exams, IELTS, TOEFL, SAT are held.  In addition, the Turan Speaking Club operates weekly for students who want to go to study during the semester at foreign universities.


Also, a 4th year student, majoring in Directing, Maksim Sultan, shared his experience of staying at the Pomeranian Academy of Slupsk, Poland and gave advice on preparing for the competition on academic mobility, communication with foreign students, organizing a trip.


Students received answers to the most pressing questions: how to apply, requirements for participation, visa issues. We hope that many students are inspired by the idea of ​​participating in academic mobility and will be able to adequately represent Turan University in the international community.


Department of International Cooperation

Online admissions