Round table «Project management in the academic activities of higher educational institutions: Training and environmental management»

At «Turan» University, as part of the Project Management Week, with the support of the Union of Project Managers and the International Informatization Academy, a round table was held on the topic “Project management in the academic activities of universities: training and environmental management.” The round table was attended by Kazakh and foreign scientists, teachers, doctoral students, representatives of scientific institutions, business communities, public authorities and administration.


The following key areas were discussed at the round table:


  • priorities for the creation of project offices in the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • formation of sustainable relationships between universities and stakeholders based on project management tools;
  • training of specialists in the field of project management at all levels of education;
  • application of project management standards in the management of the academic environment of higher education institutions.

As a result of the work of the round table, a resolution was adopted, which outlined the main directions for the development of project offices in the academic environment and the prospects for the formation of sustainable relationships between universities and stakeholders.


Materials of the round table

Materials of the round table-1 Materials of the round table-2 Materials of the round table-3 Materials of the round table-4 Materials of the round table-5 Materials of the round table-6


Resolution of the round table

Open the resolution of the round table
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