Winners of the “KAZLOGISTICS ” minifootball tournament

Soyuz transports of Kazakhstan “KAZLOGISTICS” under the support of universities on an annual basis will be held the Youth Forum of transports “KAZLOGISTICS”, which will take part representatives of the transport industries of Kazakhstan and students of transport universities, with the purpose of strengthening cooperation, improving communication and participation of future specialists in the transport and logistics industry.


Thus, during the visit of CILT Central Asia and the agency for international development of the United States on October 31 – November 1 in Almaty, “KAZLOGISTICS” held the IX-I young Transport Forum, the theme of the Forum “International Logistics and trade: changes and opportunities”.


This year, within the framework of the I stage, Kazakhstan hosted the kazlogistics CUP 2022 mini-football tournament. 10 teams took part. The team of Turan University took part in the tournament. The winners were awarded certificates of 150.000 tenge and cubic meters. Timur Begaliyev was awarded with a Certificate of “Skills workshops” and a memorable souvenir “best igrok”. We are proud of our students, they are the best! @turan_football_club.


Students – participants of the forum of the Department of PPS “marketing and logistics” Zhanabergenovna Aiboz and Baykenzhe Nursat, as well as the trainer K. K. Alimbetov.


Thank the organizers of the forum @kazlogistics_stk @cilt_central_asia.

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