Department of «Regional Studies and International Relations» held a festival of languages of the region of specialization for the first time

On December 2, 2022, the Department of «Regional Studies and International Relations» held a festival of languages of the region of specialization for the first time at «Turan» University. The purpose of the festival is to familiarize students with the culture, diversity of languages of Eastern countries, as well as to show the uniqueness of the Turkish and Chinese languages. Within the framework of the festival, students of the EP “Regional studies» and «International relations” demonstrated a deep knowledge of Turkish and Chinese, which they studied during the entire period of study at «Turan» University. The festival participants demonstrated the cultures of China and Turkey in the form of creative performances: the performance “Henna Night”, the dance “Turkish Bar”, “Dance with fans”, “Molihua (bi)”, etc. A student of al-Farabi kazakh national university M.Mukhamedzhanova expressively read the words of Abai’s edification in Chinese.


The festival was attended by students of universities in Almaty: «Turan» University, al-Farabi kazakh national university, Abylai Khan kazakh university of international relations and world languages, as well as students of  «Turan» college and the International Kazakh-Chinese Language College. Students of secondary schools were invited as spectators: schools № 128 named after M. Auezov, № 67, № 58 and № 141.

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