Turan employees have passed advanced training from British Council Kazakhstan

In December 2022, the British Council Kazakhstan, an important strategic partner of Turan University, announced a competition for free participation in intensive IELTS Teacher training courses. Three employees of the Turan University Bondarenko Lyudmila, Myrzakhmet Malika and Yegizbayeva Gauhar successfully passed the selection, professional training and received certificates from the British Council Kazakhstan.


The three-day intensive program was devoted to individual blocks of IELTS, the problems students face when passing the exam, as well as effective solutions and secrets for successfully passing IELTS. Our employees got a unique opportunity to improve their knowledge in this field for further application in classes, trainings with students, meetings during the “Turan Speaking Club”.


We remind you that Turan University is an authorized registration center of the British Council. For everyone who wants to take the exam, please follow the link to register

Online admissions