The Second Republican Entrepreneurial Dictation dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan December 12-15, 2022 (Almaty)

«Turan» University, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken», the Kazakhstan Marketing Association and the Institute of World Economy and International Relations invite you to take part in THE SECOND REPUBLICAN ENTREPRENEURIAL DICTATION, dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan, which will be held on December 12-15, 2022 (Almaty).


The format of the event – online testing.


Passing languages – Russian, Kazakh.


The purpose of the dictation is to draw the attention of the state and society to the problem of entrepreneurial literacy of citizens, to give everyone the opportunity to determine their level of entrepreneurial knowledge necessary for doing business.


Dictation tasks:


− development of youth business activity;

− to increase the motivation of students in studying the basics of entrepreneurial activity;

− to provide further assistance in the development of innovative entrepreneurship training programmes;

− contributing to the formation of innovative thinking in entrepreneurship;

− to realize the need to improve their entrepreneurial competencies.


The procedure for conducting:


The participants of the entrepreneurial dictation can be students of schools and students of colleges, universities, active youth, etc. A participant who has successfully passed the dictation, that is, who has scored more than 60%, will automatically receive a diploma by e-mail.


The business dictation consists of 30 closed-type questions that have been examined and recommended by NCE RK «Atameken».


To participate in the entrepreneurial dictation, you must fill out and submit an application in the Google form at the link or by scanning the QR code below.


On December 12, 2022, a link for taking an entrepreneurial dictation will be sent to your email address specified in the application (correctly entered and valid), which will be available during the entire period of the competition until December 15, 2022 inclusive. Please fill in your email address correctly.


Organizing Committee:


Dardana Maratovna Dadabaeva
tel. +7 707 102 9088, E-mail:


Madina Maratzhanovna Abaidullayeva
tel. +7 701 355 2216, E-mail:


Eralina Elmira Maratovna
tel. +7 707 819 2360, E-mail:


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