Completion of a practice-oriented training on the development of innovative educational programs for new and transforming professions (MNiVO, Turan University, BTS Education)

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Turan University

BTS Education


Practice-oriented training on the development of innovative educational programs (IEP) for new and transforming professions from the Atlas of New Professions and Competencies.


A modern university, responding to the challenges of the time, must promptly respond to new processes and changes characteristic of professional activity in modern conditions. Managerial and academic freedoms allow universities to independently develop programs together with employers based on an Atlas of new professions and competencies.


In December, the University «Turan» completed a practical-oriented training on the development of innovative educational programs (IEP) on new and transforming professions from the Atlas of new professions and competencies. Under the guidance of the expert of the company “BTS Education” Marina Skiba, university teachers have developed projects of new IEP.


An important advantage is that the implemented programs are developed jointly with employers, taking into account their requests and requirements for specialists. This confirms the conformity of the developed programs with the qualification requirements that are required for the educational activities of universities.


Special attention was paid to the formation of supra-professional competences, such as systematic thinking, skills of using digital technologies, cross-sector communication, project management, etc. The personalized approach to the construction of the educational trajectory makes it possible to form a high motivation to training and improve the quality of training.


Teams of departments, headed by the leading professors of the university, invested experience and knowledge in the content of innovative educational programs, in order to develop interest of students and opportunities for the formation of interdisciplinary competencies, necessary for further professional activity.


At the end of the training the expert of the company «BTS Education» Marina Skiba gave the participants the appropriate certificates and wished further success in innovation.

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