Competition of tourist projects «Boundless Kazakhstan»

On December 10, 2022, the annual competition of tourist projects “Boundless Kazakhstan” was held among students of schools and colleges. The aim of the competition is to attract the attention of young people to the domestic tourist market and the hospitality market of the country.


The competition was held in two stages, only some teams were allowed to the second qualifying round, who submitted works in both Kazakh and Russian.


According to the results of the second stage, the prizes were distributed as follows:


Kazakh language:


I place – team Phoenix (Almaty College of service provision) in the district Zhagipar Sanzhar, Elesbay Aizhan, Dauletkhan Gulmira, Bakhtier Aigerim. Scientific leader – Rustem Assel.

II place – team Everest (Lyceum №178) in Kuzerbay Akmaral, Salmeke Asem. Scientific leaders – Agazhanova Inesh, Mashanov Zhanatbek. Scientific consultant – Sarkytkan Kaster.


Russian language:


I place – the team “Brigade” (College of Tourism and Hospitality Industry) consisting of Vlada Enotkina and Daria Krasnoborodkina. Scientific supervisor – Kansarbayev Aslanbek.

II place – team “Master” (private school-college “Master”) Participants: Zaberezhny Anuar, Nikita Lushikov and Mark Pleshakov. Scientific supervisors are Imanbekov Adilbek and Samsonova Zhanna.


The participants of the first–place teams receive a 15% discount of the first year of study, and the participants who took second places – 10% discount of the first year of study


The staff of the department “Tourism and Service” congratulates the participants and wishes them further success, well-deserved victories and worthy awards!

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