Awarding the medal «For contribution to the science of Kazakhstan» professor of the department «Tourism and Service» d.g.s. Cherednichenko A.V.

On January 20, an employee of the Department of Tourism and Service, Cherednichenko Alexander Vladimirovich, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Education within the walls of the University of Turan, presented a medal «For contribution to the science of Kazakhstan». In total, six badges were awarded, and one of them went to our esteemed professor!


During his work at the Department, National Expert of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. Doctor of Geography, professor. Cherednichenko prepared two textbooks approved by the Republican Methodological Commission, which are now read in the magistracy as separate disciplines «GIS Application in Tourism» and «Recreation and Balneology». It should be noted that the discipline of GIS in Tourism is read today for masters of our specialty only in Turan, which increases their application capabilities and demand as specialists.


Cherednichenko A.V. is a permanent member of the editorial board of two scientific journals, actively participates as a leader of scientific topics, participates in international projects, has more than 90 publications, including in foreign countries, is cited in the Scopus database and Thomas Reuters.


We sincerely congratulate the professor of the department «Tourism and Service» Cherednichenko A.V.!

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