Students of the department «Tourism and Service» Aru Kapasbek and Diana Kuatkyzy are the winners of the 2022 annual competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In January, the first vice-rector of the University «Turan» K.A. Tazabekov, Ph.D., presented diplomas of the 1st and 3-rd degrees, signed by the Vice-Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.A. Yergaliev for winning in 2022 in the annual competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the section «Restaurant business and hotel business». The winners were 4th-year students of the Department «Tourism and Service» Aru Kapasbek (theme «Art as a tool for promotion and development in the food industry») and Diana Kuatkyzy (theme «Literary plot as a resource for conceptual development of catering enterprises»), scientific supervisor – Ph.D. Fayzullina G.Sh.


Congratulations to Diana and Aru and we hope that the set high bar of achievements will be stable.

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