


Specialty code – 6В02103


Sphere of professional activity


theater and film art, radio and television, education system, management system, creative organizations in the field of art and culture, mass media, editorial and publishing centers.


Professional subjects

The subjects of professional activity of graduates are

– roles in theater, cinema, television;

– creative work on radio, television, philharmonic society, creative funds, entreprise;

– management of theater and creative teams;

– teaching activities in secondary vocational educational institutions of culture and art, schools.


Professional activities
A Bachelor in Acting can perform the following professional activities:


— creative: performing roles in theater, cinema, on television, performing as a soloist, singing in an ensemble, choir, acting as a presenter of radio and television programs;

— educational (pedagogical): conduct training in special disciplines in secondary, secondary vocational educational institutions, set and solve pedagogical and creative tasks, introduce new methods and forms of teaching;

— production and management: manage creative teams, cultural departments, structural divisions of secondary vocational educational institutions, creative studios;

— design: develop creative projects in the field of theatrical art, organize and conduct festivals, competitions;

— research: explore the problems of domestic and foreign acting.


Functions of professional activity

  • performing;
  • educational;
  • communicative;
  • managerial;
  • educational;
  • research.


Typical tasks of professional activity


– possession of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of acting;

– knowledge of basic teachings in the field of social, humanitarian and special sciences; ethical and legal norms governing the relationship of a person to a person, society, the environment;

– the ability to recreate the artistic structure of stage, screen works by acting means;

– acquisition of new knowledge.


A graduate in this specialty can hold the following positions: actor, teacher, theater administrator, announcer, TV presenter, assistant director, etc.


Academic degree –  бакалавриат


Elective subject at UNT –  elective subject + creative exams


Form of study –  full-time


Training period


– 4 years after secondary education

– 3 years after secondary vocational education

– 3 years after higher education


Features of the programs


The “Academy of Film and Television” faculty of the “Turan” University announces admission for the 2019-2020 academic year for training in the new educational program “Acting Art”.


The educational program “Acting Arts” prepares competitive, highly qualified and competent film and drama theater actors who, under the direction of a director, are able to prepare and perform roles in films and drama performances of various genres, who are skilled in acting as an assistant director. The program is supported by well-equipped training studios that provide an opportunity to gain practical skills in the field of acting. Classes will be conducted by Honored Art Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and leading directors.


Current and exclusive courses


  • Acting and Stage Movement
  • Acting Technique
  • Actor’s Mastery
  • Stage speech in drama theater and cinema
  • Plastic in performance and cinema
  • Plastic role drawing
  • Director’s work with an actor


International programs


Thanks to the established international relations, our students have the opportunity to undergo scientific internships abroad, attend summer schools at partner universities and undergo professional internships. Every year, eminent masters from the world’s leading film schools conduct trainings for students.


  • Korea University of Media and Arts, South Korea, Sejong, Asia
  • State University of Theater and Cinema named after Sh. Rustaveli, Georgia, Tbilisi
  • International Academy of Film and Television, PRC, Hong Kong, Asia
  • New York Film Academy, New York, USA
  • All-Russian State University of Cinematography. S.A. Gerasimova, Russia, Moscow
  • Higher School of Directors and Screenwriters, Russia, St. Petersburg
  • Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts, Russia, Krasnoyarsk
  • LLC Music Communication Agency “Media Land”, Moscow
  • Public organization “Union of Cinematographers of Kyrgyzstan”, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Asia.


Career prospects

The graduate of the Bachelor’s Degree in Acting is awarded the Academic Bachelor’s Degree in Acting. Qualifications and positions are determined in accordance with the “Qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and other employees”, approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 22, 2002, No. 273-P”


A graduate in this specialty can hold the following positions:actor, teacher, theater administrator, announcer, TV presenter, assistant director, etc.


Qualification characteristics of the bachelor of the specialty “Acting”:

Sphere of professional activity: theater and film art, radio and television, education system, management system, creative organizations in the field of art and culture, mass media, editorial and publishing centers.
Objects of professional activity: The objects of professional activity of graduates are: theaters, film studios, cultural and art organizations, higher and secondary educational institutions of art and culture, editorial offices of the media, creative funds, administrations and departments of culture.


Professional subjects: the subjects of professional activity of graduates are:
– roles in theater, cinema, television;
– creative work on radio, television, philharmonic society, creative funds, entreprise;
– management of theater and creative teams.

Online admissions